Saturday, 9 August 2014

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research.

Hello All,
Wait! Is Bulk and Complex Data killing your time and efforts. Go through the following article to reduce your efforts to a minimum level.
image3_aug_8 The word torture in the picture above means processing the data using some algorithms and tools. There are two ways of analyzing the data or doing research work over data. One is Qualitative Approach while other is Quantitative.
Differentiating them below -

Qualitative Quantitative
SUPPOSITION(theory) Large Small
DETAILS Complete picture Steady/Focused
Type of Analysis Exploratory Conclusive

Qualitative analysis goes in phase 1 when data is gathered and maintained in the form of a dashboard or graphical manner. Quantitative analysis comes in phase 2 when data is bulk and complex, maintained in separate entities. Entity here is one data table full of records.
Qualitative analysis is exploratory and/or investigative. Findings are not conclusive and cannot be used to make generalizations over present data. It only helps in deducing the facts in initial phase, helps in further proceedings.
On the other hand Quantitative analysis is used to recommend a final course of action. Conclusive in nature.
For Example – “”A lawyer “X” who is say a criminal defense lawyer. X discusses the case with his client, cross examines the witnesses, tries to negotiate a deal between the client and the prosecutor so as to solve some amount of case outside the court. All this happens in the initial phase.
X has the data fed to him by his client and several other witnesses. X also has his own legal data, rules, procedures. X follows Qualitative approach in the initial phase so as to reach to some decisive understanding.
This approach helps X in trying negotiations. If prosecutor is unwilling to negotiate then X manipulates the data sets again just to figure out some way of getting the sentence of his client reduced.
After the initial phase X gets time from the court to prove his client’s innocence to some amount. He then follows a Quantitative approach in which he goes through the situation and details in a focused manner and prepares some expert witnesses to make his case strong and may also hire some investigators to bring more evidence again ‘data’ and thus the prosecutors case may seem less credible and results might go in favor of X’s client””
“So we saw X gets Input which is Raw Data from his client, witnesses, observations, legal artifacts and after analyzing it thoroughly he concludes the case from his side.”
Qualitative analysis is Non Statistical while Quantitative analysis is Statistical.

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